Police Brighten The Lives Of A Senior Couple By Bringing A Homemade Spaghetti Dinner

When most of us hear about somebody calling 911, it is for an emergency that would involve something tragic. As you’re about to see, however, not every 911 call is to be handled in the same way. In fact, some of them require a little TLC, and the circumstances may be quite unusual. This call came from concerned neighbors in an apartment building in Rome. They heard their neighbors, 84-year-old Jole and 94-year-old Michele crying. When they showed up at the apartment, the circumstances were not what they expected.

As it turns out, the couple was suffering from “incurable loneliness” because they had not had visitors in a long time and most of their friends had moved away. Since many people were on vacation, the city was fairly quiet. They felt forgotten and the loneliness was quite difficult to manage.

Fortunately, the Rome police had a big heart, and they did something that was unusual by most standards. The police officers brought them a spaghetti dinner and spent the entire evening sitting around and chatting with them. It seems as if they cured the loneliness they were experiencing.


Police in Rome came to an elderly couple’s apartment after someone heard them crying.

Michele and Jole, ages 94 and 84 were weeping from what they described as “incurable loneliness.”

Police officers in Rome are trained to keep citizens happy and safe, so they took action.


Officers Andrea, Alessandro, Ernesto, and Mirko got busy spending the evening with them and providing some well needed social contact. They also provided a medical checkup to make sure they were in good health.


Like many police departments around the world, the police in Rome are there to keep the citizens safe and secure. That sometimes may mean dealing with emergencies and crime but in the case of this couple, it just meant spending some time with them.


Sometimes it means hanging out with animals as well.


And if you’re curious what they made for dinner, it was spaghetti with cheese and butter. Yummy

Via: Little Things

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