After Putting It on Her Sandwiches for Years, Vegan’s World Shatters Upon Learning Mayonnaise Is NOT Vegan

Most vegans are lovely, but some have given them a bad reputation as militant, judgemental, meat-hating fanatics who passive-aggressively browbeats anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their lifestyle. Unlike vegetarians, vegans abstain from consuming meat and won’t eat any meat byproduct, including dairy.

And usually, vegans are pretty educated about what foods they can and cannot eat, but it seems one vegan failed to do her homework on mayonnaise, a condiment she’d enjoyed for many years, until one fated day when she paid a visit to her local subway.

An anonymous man who works for Subway posted this bizarre story.

“Yesterday I had a chick come in, she told me she wanted a Veggie Delight,” he began. “As I went to get the bread she asked me if I could change my gloves cause she was vegan and I had been handling meat. I did that, no problem, perfectly reasonable request. I get her bread, toast it and put all the veggies she wants on it, I start to wrap up her sandwich when she says, ‘Can I get some mayo?’”

Things go sideways rather quickly.

The employee tells the vegan:

 “You know mayonnaise has eggs in it right?”

“THIS. GIRL. JUST. STOOD. THERE. SILENT,” he wrote. Then she said: “N-no it doesn’t, I get mayo every time, are you sure?”

After confirming that, yes, he was sure, the girl “stood there with such a distraught and defeated face. I had shattered this poor girl’s world.”

But it gets better.

The employee asked again if she wanted mayo on her sandwich — she said yes.

“So I gave her her mayo, wrapped her sandwich up and charged her for her sandwich, she was silent the whole time,” he said. On her way out, he called “Have a nice day!”

Real mayonnaise is a delicious, creamy spread made with oil, vinegar, lemon, seasoning, and eggs.

And now, one “vegan” has to learn how to live with it.

Thanks for reading. Please be so kind as to pass this story along to your friends and family?


  1. “Vegan Astonished to Discover That Mayonnaise Isn’t Vegan After Putting It on All Her Sandwiches” Did You Know Facts.