A High School Senior Re-Creates Her Kindergarten School Picture And It Goes Viral

When you think back upon your time in grammar school, your memories may be somewhat limited. Fortunately, we have our school pictures to remember those moments by, and they often help us to remember those moments rather fondly. In fact, there are times when our grammar school pictures are so unusual that they bring a smile to our face, many years after they have been taken.

For Tyra Huntt, that moment came in perhaps one of the more classic kindergarten photos, where she didn’t quite nail the smile perfectly. Now that she has gone through the school system it is about ready to graduate, she decided to do something awesome with that picture. She re-created it for her senior ID.


She used to be a frightened kindergartner.


Now she is an adult with a sense of humour!


She hit the look so dead on that it went viral after she posted it. Congratulations Tyra, you did great.

Via: Some E Cards

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