The Biggest Supermoon In 70 Years Is Coming And It’s A Recordbreaker

It’s difficult to find someone who doesn’t enjoy looking up at the full moon. Not only is it beautiful, it is a work of creative genius as well. If you are someone who loves seeing the moon when it is bright and beautiful, you will want to mark your calendar for November 14th. It is sure to be a show that you won’t want to miss.

In order for the full moon to be considered a supermoon, several things need to come together at one time. The first, and perhaps most noteworthy, is that the moon must either be a full moon or a new moon phase. In addition, the orbit of the earth must coincide with the orbit of the moon so that they are at their closest point. Finally, they need to occur together at the same time so that is can be considered a supermoon.

The last time the full moon was this close to the Earth, it was January 25, 1948. That is almost 70 years, and it is going to break some records in the process. This type of event is commonly known as a supermoon, and it happens when the moon is full as it approaches the closest to Earth for the month. It doesn’t happen often but when it does, it is beautiful.

NASA has given us a foregleam of what we can expect when the Supermoon comes around in November. Compared to a moon at apogee, it will be 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter. So start planning now on where you want to be when this takes place.

Most people today think of the supermoon only from a scientific or a general standpoint but there are also those who think about it in another way as well. Those individuals who follow astrology will also have some additional thoughts on the subject. Regardless of how you see the event, however, it is sure to be one that you will not want to miss. The beauty of the full moon is one that bathes the viewer in a soft light and watching it appear above the horizon is sure to fill you will awe. It’s an event that your entire family will enjoy.

You can see more about what’s to come in this video: