Wasps Are Provided With Coloured Paper And They Build Beautiful Rainbow Nests

When it comes to insects, most people would probably not choose the wasp as their favourite. They may even lump them into the same category as bees, but bees seem to have many useful purposes as well, such as making honey and pollenating flowers. Wasps, on the other hand, can sting you multiple times and they seem to be rather temperamental on top of it.

Most of us would probably just consider wasps to be a rather useless insect but some studies done at the University of Florence might just change your mind on what they bring to the table. A colony of wasps was provided with coloured paper of different types and they ended up creating nests that were beautiful to see. The simple fact that they were able to make nests so pretty proves that they do have something to offer.


This controlled experiment was one thing but then some bee farmers in France began to notice their bees making green and blue honey. They did so while feeding off of sugar from the candy shells at M&Ms at a waste processing plant located close to their farms.


This is so cool


Kind of psychedelic


Quite pretty




Via: Wimp

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