Epic Wiener Dog Photo Bomb

Megan Determan and Chris Kluthe are from Minnesota and like many engaged couples, they were anxious to have their photographs taken. They are also the owners of a very enthusiastic wiener dog. Since the photographs were taken in the autumn of the year and Minnesota can be quite beautiful during that time, they opted for an outdoor setting.

Both Megan and Chris agreed that Louie, the wiener dog, would be included in the engagement photos. They had no idea, however, that the photography session was about to be taken over by a dog with a lot of personality!



In the setting for the photographs was a huge pile of fall leaves and Louie just could not contain his excitement. In fact, he completely lost it and started jumping around in the leaves like a madman! Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending upon your perspective), the pile of leaves was directly in the line of sight between the photographer and the newly engaged couple. Perhaps the photographer can put it in words best:

“Megan and Chris mentioned that Louie enjoyed playing in the leaves, but I wasn’t quite ready for HOW MUCH. I was hoping for a fun photo of Louie playing in the foreground of the photo with the couple looking at him, but Louie launched himself right in front of the camera totally blocking Chris out of the photo. Turns out this isn’t the first time Louie has photobombed Chris, and Megan is starting to suspect a little bit of jealousy.”



Now that the photos have been posted, they have gone viral.


After all, what could be better than a slaphappy wiener dog photo bombing your engagement pictures?


This is not the first time that Louie has photo bombed pictures. He tends to be territorial and is a bit jealous over Megan’s affections.

“I feel like Louie’s always just kinda like that. Anytime I go to touch Chris, he’s like, no, I want to be pet,”

The couple are planning a December wedding. Perhaps if Louie is given plenty of love and attention, he will learn to step aside for a photo or two.

(Images: DNK Photography)

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