Only 10% of People Can Find the Hidden Faces in This Painting

The human brain is truly amazing and most scientists would agree that there is no equal to it to be found anywhere in the known universe. The brainpower that each of us have at our disposal provides a level of intelligence that is potentially off the charts! Not only can our brains process data at extraordinary levels, we can troubleshoot problems and even express human emotion.

Even though our senses may be capable of detecting many things that are taking place at any given time, our brain also needs sharpened from time to time. In doing so, you provide your brain with the opportunity to think more clearly and to come up with solutions that otherwise may leave you struggling.

Although our brain is magnificent, it also tends to focus in a fairly narrow area. When we first look at something, we often notice the things that are most relevant and we may miss a lot of the detail that is taking place in the background. That is why optical illusions are so fantastic, because it gives our brain the opportunity to look for finer details and that may help us in many areas of our life. The following optical illusion tends to fool the majority. Does it fool you?

“The General’s Family” is a famous optical illusion in the form of a painting. When you first glance at it, it looks like the profile of a distinguished general but in the picture are 9 different people.


An iconic Spanish surrealist by the name of Salvador Dali is often given credit for the painting, but he is not responsible for it.


A Mexican painter by the name of Octavio Ocampo, on the other hand, is the one who created The General’s Family.


Ocampo thinks of his work as being in a metamorphic style. He hides realistic and figurative details within the larger image, and it blends together without the human eye catching it at first.


Not only is he well-known in Mexico, he is known around the world for his unique style of art. The Mexican government even commissioned him to create a portrait of a former US president, Jimmy Carter.



Let’s take a closer look at The General’s Family. How many of the people and faces were you able to find? The following image maps them out for you.


How did you do? Were you able to find them all? You might be interested to know that they are not only hidden in the picture, they also have a specific meaning and tell the story of the life of the general. The first face is the general himself and the sleeping dog forms a hand on his jacket. His humble beginnings are shown through the old man and young woman with the baby in the countryside. On the wall are additional faces as well as those formed in the sky and these represent his wife and family.

How Did You Do?


If you were able to find 6 of the faces, you are quite average.


If you found 7, you are better than average but fairly close to average.


Did you find 8? You deserve a high five!


If all 9 were found, you’re awesome!


Do you think you could stump someone with this? Share it with them and find out.