When I’m Old I Hope I’m like This

I would like to introduce you to a woman named Jeanne Louise Calment. She is the woman who has the oldest recorded lifespan in modern times, 122 years and 164 days. As you learn about this amazing woman and the way she lived her life, you begin to recognize why she was able to live so long.

She was born on February 21, 1875 in Arles, France. She was only 14 years old when the Eiffel tower was built and it was at that time that she ran into somebody that was quite extraordinary. She met Vincent van Gogh face-to-face, something that many of us would love to have done. As she recalls, however, he was dirty, badly dressed and disagreeable!


At the age of 85, she took up fencing and she was still riding her bike when she was 100 years old. At 114, she starred in the film about her life and she had an operation on her hip at 115 years of age.

Jeanne had been a long time smoker, having started in 1896 at the age of 21. She eventually gave up the habit, however, but not until she was 117 years old! She didn’t quit for health reasons, she quit because she didn’t like having to ask somebody help her light a cigarette. You see, she had become almost completely blind.

When she was 90 years old, she had no heirs but she signed a deal to sell her apartment to a 47-year-old lawyer. The year was 1965 and, according to the terms of the contract, he had to pay her 2,500 francs on a monthly basis with the condition that he would inherit her apartment upon her death. He ended up dying at the age of 77 in 1995, and his widow was legally responsible to continue paying her.

Up until the day that she died, Jeanne stayed sharp. On her 120th birthday, she was asked about the type of future she expected to have and she simply replied: ‘a very short one.’

Here are some of the rules of life and quotes from this remarkable woman.

’Being young is a state of mind, it doesn’t depend on one’s body. I’m actually still a young girl, it’s just that I haven’t looked so good for the past 70 years.’
’I’ve only got one wrinkle, and I’m sitting on it.’
’All babies are beautiful.’
’I’ve been forgotten by our good lord.’
’I’m in love with wine.’
’Always keep your smile. That’s how I explain my long life.’
’If you can’t change something, don’t worry about it.’
’I have a huge desire to live and a big appetite, especially for sweets.’
’I never wear mascara; I laugh until I cry too often.’
’I see badly, I hear badly, and I feel bad, but everything’s fine.’
’I think I will die of laughter.’
’I have legs of iron, but to tell you the truth, they’re starting to rust and buckle a bit.’
’I took pleasure when I could. I acted clearly and morally and without regret. I’m very lucky.’
(At the end of one interview, in response to a journalist who said he hoped they would meet again the following year): ’Why not? You’re not that old, you’ll still be here.’

Please pass this information to others and share the wisdom of this wonderful woman.