Mother Is Heartbroken When No One Comes to Her Four-year-old’s Birthday Party

For many families, the birthday party is one of the most exciting events of the year. Many children and parents alike look forward to this day, and a lot of planning typically goes into making sure that everything goes smoothly. Unfortunately, there are sometimes problems that occur.

This was the case for Rachelle Briannan, a mother of two. She was anxiously awaiting for her son, Taenon’s, fourth birthday and she had everything planned perfectly. It was the first time that the lad would understand the concept of a birthday party and she wanted to have the best one possible.


The sad thing is, things didn’t go as planned. Rachelle had invited 12 children but none of them showed up. They had all canceled shortly before the party was about to take place. Rachelle was heartbroken.


That is when she went to Facebook to have a rant about what happened. She wanted other people to know how sad she was over the situation.


This was the message she posted to Facebook. It was posted in the Midnight Mums Facebook group. They are group of mothers in Melbourne, Australia. She was looking for any advice to see how she could make things up to her son but she wasn’t expecting this response.

Social media can be a very powerful force and soon, mothers from all around Australia came together in a wonderful way. They gave hundreds of birthday wishes for this young lad, not only helping to make him feel better but making Rachelle feel better as well.

Before long, Taenon was joined by 30 other children at a McDonald’s in Melbourne. He had never met these children before and they all brought him balloons and gifts.


The local fire station even brought out a fire truck for the kids to explore!


It’s wonderful to see a group of strangers pull together. They truly made it a nice day for this youngster.

Via: Shareably

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