Mother Captures Wonderful Moment between Children and the Garbage Collectors

It is difficult to say where our children are going to find joy and at times, it may come from a rather unusual source. In addition, heroes exist in the world all around us but they don’t often take the form that we expect. That became obvious to Martha and her husband Rob in June, 2013 when they welcomed identical twin boys and a daughter, triplets. Of course, as they got older, they became curious and it was while they were infants that they met the sanitation engineers who worked in the neighborhood.

Every day, Martha would walk the children in their stroller around the neighborhood. It was due to the interaction between the children and the sanitation engineers that a wonderful friendship was able to be formed. In fact, “Garb Day” has become the most anticipated day around their house every week. They absolutely love Mr. Rob, Mr. Andrew and Mr. Chad and the feeling is quite mutual.


On this particular day, they had the opportunity to meet with their friends. The meeting is quite touching, and is full of a lot of hugs and even a visit to the truck.

These incredible triplets have formed a bond with the sanitation engineers in the neighborhood


The visits every week are always full of hugs, happiness and high-fives.


They love helping them in the truck


Their mother says that they have a special bond.


When one of the children had his toe run over by a garbage container, Mr. Rob picked him up to comfort him


Martha wants her children to be kind to everyone and their popularity on Facebook shows that many people agree.


Goodbye for now, see you on Friday!


One little boy didn’t want them to go and waited in the driveway until they were out of sight.


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