QUIZ: Which Moon Phase Dominates Your Emotions?

Many people are quite surprised with how closely we are attached to the world around us. For example, there is a lot of thought that “grounding” yourself by coming in contact with the earth is very important for your overall health and can affect you in a special way. As a matter of fact, some people make it a point to get out and walk barefoot in the grass while the dew is still fresh in the morning.

Another way that we seem to be closely connected to the Earth is through the moon. Although some people may consider this to be rather strange, it may be true that the moon affects our emotions in various ways. For example, did you realize that more people end up in the emergency room when the moon is full and even more crimes are committed during that time? Obviously, the moon has a profound effect on us, even though many of us don’t realize it.

Depending upon your personality, it may actually match up with a phase of the moon. By learning more about your personality, you can learn which phase of the moon is closely matched to you. This quiz will help you get started.