QUIZ: Everyone Is Getting This One Wrong. How Will You Do?

There are many different types of puzzles, and more than likely, you have a favorite. For some people, it is a crossword puzzle in a magazine but for others it is Sudoku or perhaps even a good ole’ jigsaw puzzle. At times, however, it is good to kick back and try to solve a math riddle. They test the mind, help to keep us sharp and can even benefit us in ways most people don’t realize.

When it comes to math riddles, you want something that helps to test your logical mind while, at the same time, providing you with a challenge that will keep you busy for at least a little while. This little math puzzle fits that description perfectly, but it isn’t something that is designed to trick you. Rather, it is just a math problem that most people find difficult and many are getting it wrong.

This math problem is worth trying. Not only does it keep your mind sharp, it can even benefit the brain in other ways as well. Some studies have even shown that doing puzzles can help a person to avoid dementia later in life. Give it a try and then check your answer on the following page.


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