15 Of The Cutest Cats You Will EVER See

If there is one thing I know about the Internet, it’s the fact that people are absolutely obsessed with cats. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about cute cat videos, cat pictures or stories about cats, it seems as if people can’t get enough of them. They are frequently shared on social media and many individuals will spend hours simply jumping from one cat page to another.

In an effort to appease those who absolutely love their feline friends, the following 15 pictures have been compiled. These are the absolute cutest cats you will ever see, and it is a treasure that you will come back to time and time again.

Of course, most people would agree that there is no cat as cute as their very own, and I’m not trying to deny that fact. When you see these other cats, however, it can truly enhance your appreciation for felines, and it will make you run home and hug your own kitty. Best of all, they are guaranteed to put a smile on your face that will last throughout the entire day.

1. Baby tiger Paws


2. Mr. Squishy Beans


3. These are the biggest eyes I’ve ever seen


4. Absolutely Purrfect


5. How could you possibly resist?


6. Evil but cute


7. A fluffy ball of kitten


8. Sleep tight and sweet dreams


9. They found him abandoned on their front lawn. This is how he looked after a quick bath.


10. Why are you upside down, human?


11. My best buddy


12. Blends right in with the Kiwi


13. Absolutely adorable


14. Yoga kitten


15. Quite possibly the world’s cutest kitten


Via: Bored Panda

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