Adorable Kitten Rescued By Huskies And Now She Thinks She’s Part Of The Pack

When people are kind enough to rescue an animal, the animal is not typically alone. More than likely, there are already other animals in the house and if there aren’t, there are sure to be sooner or later.

This may seem like a recipe for disaster at first, but you would be surprised with how often the opposite is true. Animals who are not born together still bond with each other and take care of each other quite nicely. They will help each other when in need and even animals of different species can be best of friends.

That was what happened when Rosie the cat was rescued and she was so stressed out, she barely ate anything. Fortunately, Lilo was there and she was a Husky who stepped in to become a surrogate mother.

Check out the pictures of this adorable friendship below.


Rosie was found on the streets of California and was absolutely distraught. She did not respond to any efforts at affection and she hardly ate a thing.


“When Rosie came our way, we tried to take care of her. Nothing we did was working.”

Then Rosie met Lilo, a Husky that lived in the same household. Immediately, Lilo took a liking to this little cat and began taking care of her.


Rosie’s mood began to improve and she started eating regularly. She also became quite cuddly.


A year and a half later, these two animals are inseparable. Every time you turn around, they are snuggled up with each other and taking a nap.


She has also bonded with Lilo’s brother and sister. She may not look like these dogs, but they have welcomed her into the fold.


Something else has happened as well. Rosie started acting like a Husky. After being with them for a while, she even began going to the bathroom outside.


Rosie also insisted on walking around outside with her husky friends. They got Rosie her own harness, just like the dogs.


It’s a rather interesting site to see three huge Huskies along with their little cat friend. Rosie loves being a part of the pack, even though she sticks out like a sore thumb.


The most important thing is that Rosie is very happy. Thanks to the TLC given by Lilo, she now has a wonderful family that includes additional rescued cats as well.


This just goes to show that animals will respond to love and affection. Not only is it important for you to give it, the other animals in your household can chip in as well.

Via: Little Things

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