Old School Problems. Kids Will Never Understand These Issues

There is no doubt the things change very quickly. That is especially true when technology is concerned, and the things that we experienced a decade ago are things that many youngsters will never have to experience in their lifetime.

A lot of the changes that we’ve seen certainly have to do with technology but there have been massive changes in other areas as well. Some of them have to do with new trends but regardless of why they happen, looking back on them can make you nostalgic. It also makes you happy you no longer have to deal with it.

Searching all of your CDs


I don’t think many people know what a CD is any longer! Now they have everything from Bluetooth speakers to streaming music from their mobile phones. I think CDs have become a thing of the past.

Downloading a Song for an Hour


Most people today are accustomed to downloading songs within a blink of an eye. It wasn’t all that long ago, however, that we were downloading songs on LimeWire or Napster and hoping that they wouldn’t timeout!

Waking up Early for Cartoons


Most of us don’t even watch TV any longer. After all, it has commercials! Netflix has certainly spoiled us, including our children. We can now watch what we want when we want.

This Was Annoying


Some people may consider this to be modern art, but it is actually a part of our technical history. Try too hard to close a program and the computer would rebel

Rental Stores


When you mention the word Blockbuster today, most children will think about the app, not the store. Of course, many of them don’t even remember what a video is in the first place! Yes, we used to have to drive to the store and bring the movies home. Then we had to return them!



Life in the 90s certainly did have a lot of interesting technological advances, but dial-up Internet is one that we are glad to leave in the past.

From One Folder to Another


At one time, it was necessary to search from one folder to a subfolder and a third subfolder before we finally found solitaire or minesweeper. Oh, I forgot, you don’t play those games any longer either.



At one time, physical pinball machines ruled the arcade (the place where we used to go to play games) but then there was the computer version. Now, even the computer version is a thing of the past!

Limited messaging


I have multiple movies, full music collections, thousands of pictures and quite a few applications on my mobile phone. It wasn’t all that long ago, however, that you had to clear your inbox regularly or you would end up with a nasty message.

Rewinding Cassette Tapes Manually


If you remember cassette tapes, you probably remember rewinding them with an ink pen or some other slender object. Unfortunately, we also had to fix them regularly when they became unspooled

The Mouse Ball


Today, we either use a wireless mouse or we don’t use a mouse at all. At one time, however, it actually had a physical ball on the inside that we had to take out and clean periodically or it wouldn’t work properly.

The Forever Download


If you remember the Internet in the 90s, you probably remember it taking three hours to download a single movie. High-speed Internet has taken that problem away, but interestingly enough, people still get annoyed with the few seconds it takes to download it.

Via: Shareably

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