Young Lad Gets Bullied For Back Brace Until This Tattoo Artist Makes It Into A Piece Of Art

Many people have preconceived ideas about those with a lot of tattoos and they may have similar ideas about tattoo artists. From time to time, however, you hear about something special that someone does and it just may change your opinion on the matter.

That was the case with Anjel, who is not only known for his tattoo designs at work, he also has a sleeve of artwork on his arms. Most people have to wait until they are 18 for him to work on them, but he decided to give this 12-year-old a break.


When you look at the Facebook page of the tattoo shop, you can see some awesome examples of his work.


He also does a good job of covering up tattoos that may have been done by less skilled artists.


The crew at his shop is not only known for their tattoos, they are also known for their kind deeds.


When Ashley King shared a photo of her son wearing a back brace, it inspired Anjel to reach out and help.

King revealed that her 12-year-old son, Xavier, was heartbroken when he realised he had to continue wearing the brace for an extended time due to scoliosis and pectus.

He tried to hide the brace under clothing but it was still noticed. He was picked on as a result of it.


Anjel knew that he could help Xavier in this matter and reached out to the family.

Xavier’s mum Ashley writes in her post, “I’m so touched I just had to share this positive story. My son has scoliosis, and has to wear a back brace until he stops growing. He was getting teased at school, so I put something on Facebook to see if I can make his back brace ‘cool.’ A man named Anjel reached out to me, and he airbrush a design onto his back brace, at no charge. It might not seem like a big deal, but to my son, it’s everything!”


Xavier is no longer worried about going to school. What was done for him has boosted his self-esteem.

Via: Little Things

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