Ask any parent and they will tell you that children have quite an imagination. It begins to show at a very young age and, before you know it, they are doing and saying things that just take you by surprise.
As children get older, their abilities just continue to increase and it not only amazes the parents, their teachers become aware of it before. Of course, most of us realize that teachers would say they have seen it all but, from time to time, a youngster will come along and totally surprise them.
That is what happened in these pictures, which display amazing reasoning and logic on the part of the children. They also show a sense of humore in some cases, and that is why we can’t stop smiling at them.
1. An award for literature
2. An award for philosophy
3. A future Doctor
4. One smart kid
5. He understands reality
6. This kid knows the difference
7. At least they know now
8. Perhaps they could be a chef
9. Chris has a plan
10. Apparently they grow lots of hair in this family
11. The art of negotiation
12. Did they apologize or not?
13. He knows how to make a friend
14. Stand by your rights
15. Love is special
H/T: Bright Side
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