Buzzfeed Would Send You These Happy Text Messages If It Was Your Friend

There are many websites we might appreciate and we may visit them on a regular basis. A favourite for many people is Buzzfeed, because it brings shareable content to you and to many others. If you visit the website, however, you might be surprised with exactly how much it seems to know about you.

Many websites use cookies and other methods of tracking the way that you use the website. They don’t do it for bad reasons, in fact, it is often to make the user experience more enjoyable. For example, it may keep you from seeing multiple pop-up messages or you may not see the same advertising each time you visit the website.

Another interesting thing is that websites may be able to provide content for you that you would be interested in. In fact, it might seem somewhat creepy at times when those websites pull up the most appropriate information and you are almost compelled to follow through with it.


That is the case with Buzzfeed but if they were your friend, you would receive the following text messages.






Via: Funny or Die

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