If Toddlers Could Text They Would Send You These Messages

If you happened to be around during the time when VCRs first hit the scene, you may remember a rather unique phenomenon. It seemed as if everybody wanted to have one in their home and that included the older generation as well. Many of those older individuals had to have their children come over to help them connect the VCR. It was the subject of many jokes.

Today, technology is moving so quickly that many of those children who helped their parents with VCRs are now struggling to keep up with the latest electronic gadgets. They now have children of their own and those children are able to pick up a smartphone or tablet and do amazing things, many times before they can even talk! It truly is something to see and many of us are amazed at their abilities.


Most of those young children are able to look at pictures or videos, but they haven’t quite mastered the ability to send text messages. If they could, you might imagine that you would get some rather unusual messages throughout the day. This series of text messages in the images below is a preview of what you could receive.

1. Maybe you should have answered earlier


2. Hope you liked the surprise


3. Say goodbye to your privacy


4. Security is now an issue


5. I think we have a problem


6. Now you know


7. And now you start worrying


8. Wine for dinner


9. Haters gonna hate


10. They’ve got your number


11. Your cat is part of it


12. Good guess


13. Say goodbye to sleep


Via: A Plus

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