These “Men” Could Not Handle a Birth Control Study And Had To Bow Out

Ask any woman who has ever taken hormonal contraception and they will tell you that some serious side effects could result from it. Not only may it cause headaches and nausea, it could lead to depression, mood swings, weight gain and even a decreased desire for intimacy. Even though that is the case, women have been responsible for contraception for many years.

When research from the University of Edinburgh hit the scene, however, many people rejoiced over the possibilities. They were excited to hear about it because it suggested that men may also be able to take a hormonal birth control medication. This would make women free of the burden of being solely responsible for avoiding pregnancy.


320 men were studied between the ages of 18 and 45. They were injected with 2 hormones, testosterone and progesterone. Progesterone lowered sperm count and testosterone reduce the effects of progesterone.


According to the study, the contraceptive could have a 96% success rate. It was almost as effective as female contraceptives.


That’s good news, isn’t it? It may be good, at least until you hear why it may not work.

20 of the men in the study admitted they had issues and the study was stopped. Those issues were the same side effects that women have suffered from for years.


“Of these 20, six men discontinued only for changes in mood and six men discontinued for the following single reasons: acne, pain or panic at first injections, palpitations, hypertension, and erectile dysfunction.”

The other 8 dropped out because of mood changes.

There may still be hope because researchers still see this study as a win.


“The study regimen led to near-complete and reversible suppression of spermatogenesis,” they wrote. “The contraceptive efficacy was relatively good compared with other reversible methods available for men.”

Maybe they just need to woman-up.

Via: 22 Words

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