A Realtor Takes Out A Craigslist Ad To Say What Is On The Mind Of Most Other Realtors

When an individual decides to become a realtor, they look forward to the opportunity of working in the field. There are many benefits to being a realtor, but there are also some drawbacks, just as there are drawbacks on any job that you may have. Unfortunately, in the Realty business, one of the problems is that many people expect you to do something for nothing.

If you are a realtor, I’m sure that you understand what I’m talking about and you will also find the humour in this rather cheeky advert that was put on Craigslist. It was placed online by a realtor and although there is a lot of sarcasm involved, it is also full of some truth as well.


Realtor looking for people to do their job at a discount.

I am a Realtor and since people always expect me to cut my commission I assume they must also do their job, or provide their services, at a discount.

I am looking to hire all types of people to do all sorts of jobs for me, as long as I do not have to pay what you’re actually worth. I’m sure you have a lot of extra time on your hands and you probably make enough money anyway. Think about it, helping me will actually help yourself because I know a ton of people and I’ll tell them what wonderful (discounted) work you do.

So if you have a job or service you provide, and are willing to devalue your worth, please let me know because I’m sure I have work for you and will hire you in a second.

Feel free to email me with the service you can provide, when you can start, and please include references.

I look forward to your discounted service.



Is it sarcastic? It absolutely is! The question is, is it funny? That is up to you to decide.


One thing that is sure is most people don’t realise real estate agents often need to go through similar problems on a day-to-day basis. They often work very hard to earn their commissions and sometimes, they do go the extra mile to make sure that your deal closes.

Did you realise that most real estate agents only earn 1.5% commission? It can be expensive to be an agent. Just look at some of their expenses.

Broker Fees
MLS Fees
NAR Fees
E&O Business Insurance
Extended Auto Insurance
Self-Empoyment Tax
State Licensing Fees
Advertising Fees
Showing Service Fees
Website Fees
Assistants salaries
Yard Signs
Office Supplies
Business Cards
Property Flyers
Electronic Lockboxes
Continued RE Education

Now you know.

Via: Lighter Side of Real Estate

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