18 Pets Who Don’t Want To Visit The Vet

I don’t think I know anyone who enjoys going for a visit to the doctor. In fact, most of us would rather avoid it if at all possible. It appears as if our pets also have the same feelings, and when it comes to making a trip to the veterinarian, most of them would rather do anything else. That fact comes across clearly in these hilarious photos.

The following 18 pets did make the trip to the veterinarian but when they did, it was under extreme protest. That doesn’t mean that they aren’t funny and many of us are not only going to appreciate what they do because they are animals, we are going to see ourselves in these pictures as well. Admittedly, we don’t take our pet to the veterinarian to torment them, but it certainly does seem like torture. Check out the following 18 pictures and you will see what I mean.

1. And you told me we were going to the dog park!

2. I’ll save you little buddy

3. I just looked at the paper and it said my appointment was canceled

4. This has got to be a dream

5. I’m plotting my escape

6. Any port in a storm

7. Blend in and they won’t see you

8. You won’t think it’s funny when I wake you up in the middle of the night tonight

9. I don’t see you, you don’t see me

10. I’m hiding perfectly

11. No, I’m not coming out from under the chair

12. If I squeeze just a little harder

13. It’s a feline mission impossible

14. You better not mess up my hair

15. What did I do to deserve this?

16. Looks like a perfect place for a nap

17. Sweet revenge

18. Too slippery to catch

Via: Shared

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