13 Hilarious Pictures Showing Cats And Dogs Must Come From Different Planets

The world seems to be divided into two different groups of people. You have those people who love dogs (dog people) and those who love cats (cat people). In fact, there have been more lively debates that have sparked over which is better than perhaps any other subject. That being said, it is usually done in good fun.

When you stop to look at the difference between dogs and cats, you might be rather surprised over the fact that they have such different personalities. Of course, every animal is unique but when you get down to it, there are also many similarities when you stick within the species. In the end, cats and dogs end up on polar opposite ends of the spectrum and we often have to wonder and the differences they display. For the benefit of those who have an opinion on the matter, we have provided the following 13 pictures.


They show clearly the difference between cats and dogs to the extent that you will never have any doubts again. We area also showing you these pictures because they are hilarious. Enjoy!

They don’t look at water the same

Walks don’t always turn out the same either

For those of you who work at home

When they are in their comfie spot

Going for a drive

Time for dinner

Welcome home, master

Rubbing their belly

When you are asleep

When they do something wrong

Hold me, please

Chasing after a light

How they treat you

H/T: Bright Side

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