10 Men Over The Age Of 50 Who Transformed Their Bodies Into Something Amazing

By the time many of us reach 50 years of age, we feel as if we are on a downhill slide but that is not always the case. In fact, there are many people who look at the age of 50 and laugh. They recognise that it is not only a time to enter into a new phase in life, it is a time to make that phase something wonderful.

There is no doubt that there are many emotions that take place when we are reaching the milestone of 50. That doesn’t mean, however, that we need to allow our quality of life to slide along with it. It is not too late to eat a healthy diet, get some exercise and turn a corner that many of us may have been trying for years to turn. The following 10 men show that there is life after 50.


Phillipe Dumas – Age 60

This older gentleman decided to jump into the world of modeling, and he did so with his beard leading the way. He also accomplished a degree of fame of the process, amassing many Instagram followers. He says that “My career as a senior model is young, but it starts well. I have great expectations”

Anthony Varecchia – Age 53

You might be surprised to see this much muscle on a man of his age, but he will tell you that it only comes with a lot of hard work and a healthy lifestyle. This man lives in New York and he deserves to be well known online.

Gianluca Vacchi – Age 50

This man is not only a physical fitness role model, he is also an impressive dancer as well. One thing is certain, we aren’t ready for him to stop showing his stuff.

Aiden Brady – Age 50

After entering into the fashion world recently, he has amassed quite a following on Instagran and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Not only is he well-built online, he has also been in films as well.

Eric Rutherford – Age 49

It just seems that Eric keeps improving as he gets older. Not only is he a model, he also organises events and is an editor of a large magazine. When you add to that his large following on Instagram, you have a recipe for success.

Alessandro Manfredini – Age 48

Dark eyes and white hair do good for this man. Not only is he build online from his Instagram following, he has no problem setting up photo shoots and modeling contracts.

Deshun Wang – Age 80

He made his bottling debut in China’s fashion week. The audience has named him the “hottest grandfather in China.” He is not only known for walking the catwalk, he is a film star as well.

Irvin Randle – Age 54

Salt-and-pepper is not a good luck on all men, but it certainly does well for this man. He is more than a model, he is a grandfather! He just seems to get better as he gets older.

Ron Jack Foley – Age 50

This man is certainly getting some recognition for Canada, and he has achieved supermodel status. He is well-known for his hair and beard, and it’s easy to see why.

Shan Michael Hefley – Age 54

For those men who are looking for a little bit of inspiration and motivation, you don’t need to look any further than this man. His body transformation is legendary and after vowing to eat healthy and work out, he has gained a body that most men would never dream of having.

It sometimes takes a little reminder to keep in mind we are not too old to do something about our health. Rather than making excuses about why we can’t do it, we can take a page out of their book and move forward.

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