Special Needs Drum Corps Compete In World Championships, Making History

There was a time when if a person had special needs, certain activities and sports were off-limits. Thankfully, those days are coming to an end.

The drum corps of Old Bethpage, New York is defying all the odds and old stereotypes. They are making history as the first drum band with special needs to compete in the Drum Corps Associates World Championships.

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The Family Residences and Essential Enterprises Drum & Bugle Corps comprise entirely of people with special needs. It was founded in 2010 by Brian Calhoun, a senior music specialist at FREE Music & Performing Arts Adult Day Program and Respite Program, who wished to “provide new opportunities to people of all abilities.”

The Corps has over 70 members whose ages range from 20 to over 50. They are given artistic instruction and have the opportunity to travel and learn with an inclusive community. And it’s clear that their hard work’s paying off!

The DCA is the country’s  “oldest continuously operating drum corps circuit.” Its prestigious world championship event takes place in Williamsport, Pennsylvania and attracts exceptionally talented competitors from around the United States.

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The FREE Players Drum Corps will mainly compete as a group, but a few players have also been selected to compete in solo competitions. They frequently perform in parades and other large events. And now they are absolutely thrilled to take the stage with the country’s best drummers during the 2019 DCA Championships.

The event will take place over Labor Day weekend and promises to give these musicians a life-changing experience. FREE started a fundraiser to help their members travel to Williamsport and have already surpassed their goal, so now they will be ready to go when it’s showtime!

What a fantastic opportunity for this very talented group! Music is truly for everyone, and it is so beautiful to see their hard work and dedication paying off.

Just being invited to compete in the DCA Championships is making history. Can you imagine how big it would be if they actually win? We’re sending the FREE players nothing but positive vibes!

Check out this video to watch the band in action. And please, don’t forget to share this great story!