A Mom Gets The Surprise Of Her Life When She Comes Home And Sees What Her Husband Was Doing

They sometimes say that a woman’s work is never done and I think that many women would agree with that statement. Sure, there are times when the work is shared between a husband and wife but it still seems as if the bulk of it gets put on the woman in the relationship.

Perhaps that is why so many people are amazed when they hear the following story. It tells of a woman who comes home and finds that her husband and children have cleaned the kitchen. It is her reaction, however, that shocks everyone.

I heard recently about a stay-at-home Mom. One evening she went to a PTA meeting and her husband and her oldest daughter got together and decided they would clean up the kitchen for her. They put up all the food, wiped all the counters, washed all the pots and put them away, put the dishes in the dishwasher and ran it. They swept and mopped the floors and then sat down, and awaited her arrival.

Two hours later she returned from the meeting, took off her coat, hung it up, walked through the kitchen into the den, grabbed the remote control, and began watching television. They followed her over to her chair and stood by her side. Finally she felt them looking over her shoulder and looked up at them and said, “What?”

Her husband said, “The kitchen.”

“The kitchen. What?”

“The kitchen. We cleaned up the kitchen. Didn’t you notice? It’s sparkling clean. We cleaned it for you.”

The woman replied, “Yes, I noticed. Thankless job, isn’t it?”