Man Wakes Up In Hospital Lucky to Be Alive After Being Stug 20,000 Times By African Kller Bees

A man in Ohio was in a coma after being stung over 20,000 times by a swarm of African Killer Bees.

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Austin Bellamy was assisting in clearing tree branches when he accidentally cut into the bee’s nest.

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It was also reported that the man ingested about 30 bees. As his mother told a local news station, doctors were pulling bees out of her son’s body.

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The United States Department of Agriculture says that African Killer Bees  “are more defensive, stinging more with less provocation than other honey bees.”

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Austin’s family members witnessed the horrific attack.

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His grandmother explained, “I was going to try and climb the ladder to get to Austin … but I couldn’t get to him because I was surrounded in bees. He tried to anchor himself down, and he couldn’t. He was hollering, ‘Help! Help me! Help!’ And nobody would help him.”

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You can also watch a video about this story below.

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  1. “Ohio Man Wakes Up In The Hospital After Being Stung 20,000 Times By African Killer Bees” Little Things.