Parents Are Given The News That Their Child Has No Eyes

I think that most parents would have a difficult time expressing exactly how they felt when they found out they were pregnant. I’m sure it is different for each person but one thing that is the same is the emotion that weighs heavily on them from that moment forward.

When they learn about the pregnancy, their lives will never be the same. They start planning for the arrival of the child and they do all that they can to make sure that the child has everything they need to care for the baby.

Sooner or later, the reality of it all is going to catch up with them and they will have to face something that they weren’t expecting. At times, it might be something small but for Jahavier and Ryan Walker, it was something that they would have to deal with for the rest of their life.

When their child, Tate, was born, there were some problems. Tate ended up being delayed for 30 hours in the birth canal and the doctors decided to take him via C-section. Even after he was born, they had a hard time clearing his lungs.

Fortunately, the little boy was able to get beyond those problems but there was something else that still was an issue. Tate couldn’t open his eyes.

At first, they thought that he couldn’t open his eyes because of swelling but on the next day, they gave some bad news to the parents. It turns out that Baby Tate was born with anophthalmia, a rare condition in which a baby is born without eyes.

In the United States, this rare condition only happens about one time out of every 5,200 births. It occurs as a result of a genetic defect and is difficult to treat.

The Walkers tried their best to handle this difficult situation. They are getting help from the doctors and also from others on Facebook who are also dealing with the same issue.

At this time, there is no cure for the condition and the Walkers make too much money to qualify for financial aid for Tate. They are now hoping that science will eventually catch up to this but, until then, they are doing all they can to care for Tate and make the best of it.

Source: YouTube