Man Is Killed By Zoo Lions While Trying To Steal Their Cubs

When most of us think about karma, we think about somebody getting what is coming to them in a bad way. It may also happen in a good way, but we don’t always think about it in that direction.

Perhaps that is why we aren’t surprised to hear about a man who was killed in Ghana. It seems as if a group of lions overtook him after he climbed into their enclosure.

Police are investigating the incident that occurred in the capital city. It was a middle-aged man who climbed into the pen but he hasn’t been identified as of yet.

Getting into the lion’s pen is no easy feat. There is a 10 foot fence and another 20 foot fence that form the barrier before you get into the enclosure.

If that wasn’t enough, after you are in the enclosure, you have to deal with a lion and a lioness. There were also two cubs in the enclosure, which may have been the reason why he scaled the wall.

The white lion cubs were recently born and he was reportedly trying to steal them. After being attacked, however, he died from the injuries. He was later taken to a morgue.

Police claim to be investigating the incident and how the man got into the enclosed area. The zoo has also closed its doors temporarily, acknowledging the attack and saying they are not sure of the motive.

According to the forestry commission, the intruder was attacked and injured by one of the lions after getting inside the inner fencing of the enclosure. He was confirmed dead from his injuries.

After the attack, the zoo authorities were able to get the lions into a secure hold so police could investigate. No lion has escaped and they are still secure at the zoo.