She Didn’t See This One Coming!

Katie Mathewson, a young woman living in Hollywood, Ca recently got engaged to McKenzie, her girlfriend. She was happy to share the news but when it came to talking to her grandmother, she was understandably hesitant.

She wrote a post on Imgur entitled “This is what can happen when you come out to your bigoted and close-minded grandparents.” It was in the post that she said “I accepted the sad reality that they’d never know the real me”

She had considered coming out to her grandparents when she visited them in previous years. While they were standing on fisherman’s wharf in Monterey, however, two women were kissing in front of them and her grandparents reacted in a negative way.

As Katie and her fiancé began to make wedding plans, she realized that it was inevitable that she would need to tell her grandparents. After all, she wanted to invite them to the wedding.

She read a letter to her grandparents that both told her of her decision in life and that she was going to get married and waited for a reply, but two weeks later, she was still waiting.

After those two weeks had passed, she received the following letter…


Although Katie’s grandmother is Korean and that is her first language, the point still came across loud and clear. It let Katie know that her grandmother was happy with her decision and choice in life and that she was still loved by her grandparents.


The wedding is slated for next August and will take place in Washington state. Afterward, they plan on honeymooning in Mexico and Hawaii.

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