Bindi Irwin Must Prove Her Father Is Dead

Bindi Irwin probably thought everyone was aware of the death of her father “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin, but apparently, the news hasn’t reached everywhere. At least as far as the court system in California is concerned!

Since she is a minor, at only 17 years of age, a California judges rejecting her contract on Dancing with the Stars. He is doing so because there is insufficient proof that her father has waived rights to her earnings on that show! Her father passed away in 2006.


Bindi Irwin has been a favorite on Dancing With The Stars and she has been dancing for several weeks on the show. She even scored a perfect 40 with her Rumba on October 19.

There may be a need for legalities to protect minors in this regard, but many find this bordering on the ridiculous. Even though it may only be legal mumbo-jumbo, it still has raised quite a few eyebrows Down Under, where Steve Irwin hailed from. He died in 2006 in a freak accident off the Great Barrier Reef.

What took place in 2006 was a stingray was frightened during the filming of his wildlife TV show. The stingray whipped its tail, which is razor-sharp on the end, and it pierced Steve Irwin’s heart, resulting in his death at only 44 years of age. This tragedy reached the world very quickly, including Los Angeles, where the legal court case is now taking place.

At the time of her father’s death, Bindi was only eight years old. She has continued some of her father’s legacy as a wildlife protector and promoter. On the set of Dancing with the Stars, she has become a fan favorite and the sweetheart from down under.

In California, however, the law states that any minors who are entertainers must be protected from possible abuse. It is unfortunate, but necessary because of issues with such cases in the past. Anyone who is under the legal age of 18 must get permission of the court before the contracts are approved. This would require a quitclaim being signed by the parents, waving the rights to the child’s earning. Bindi’s mother had already signed the quitclaim.

The Superior Court judge in this case stated that Steve Irwin failed to provide proof that he had signed the waiver. Of course, he was unable to do so, because of his death 10 years ago.

According to a statement from BBC worldwide USA Today, the company is aware of the situation and the lawyers are working with the courts to work out a resolution in this case.

“It’s unclear if the judge is unaware Steve died in 2006, or if she’s just a stickler for a death certificate,”

Since this legal dispute arose, reporters had the ability to examine the contract. According to reports, Bindi is guaranteed a salary of $125,000 and weekly sweeteners for every week that she remains on the show. She may also make an additional $50,000 per week, if she makes it to week 10 and 11.

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