Kitten and Owl Are Best Friends

Have you ever noticed that best friends are not always the most compatible? They may have certain things in common and they trust each other implicitly, but they often come from “different sides of the fence.” That is apparently the case with this couple, who have found their own BFF in a most unlikely place!

This adorable kitten and owl duo can’t seem to get enough of each other. It doesn’t matter if they are snuggling, nuzzling or even just staring at each other, they seem to have a connection that is incredible. Considering the fact that they are quite different, it can certainly teach all of us a lesson!


I don’t know if I would ever get into a staring competition with an owl, but this cute little kitten doesn’t seem to have a problem with it! Both of them are great on their own side of the contest and I think it’s a tie.


Cuddling is also an important part of this type of friendship. It looks as if they had that situation down pat as well!



Life is too short to look at our differences. Why not take a page out of this book and simply love life and enjoy it to the full? You’ll be much happier if you do!

(Image Source: SweepHisLegsJohnny)

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