Queen Sends Touching Note to Man about Christmas Cards

Many people send Christmas cards to the Queen, but there was one man who really stood out from the crowd. His grandson, Andrew Simes, tells the story about how his grandfather would send a Christmas card every year to Queen Elizabeth II. He started in 1952, and his tradition spanned 60 years!

The ritual was so steadfast that it even caught the eye of the Queen herself. Simes told the story about how this annual ritual of sending the Queen a Christmas card resulted in an expression of gratitude that was unexpected and quite lovely.

Ever since Grandpa could remember, he made sure to send a Christmas card to his king/queen. So naturally, since 1952,…

Posted by Andrew Simes on Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Simes says that his grandfather started sending the Queen a Christmas card every year beginning in 1952. That was the year Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne. After his grandfather died in 2011, Simes decided that he would keep up the tradition and begin sending a Christmas card as well. One month after sending the first card, he received an unexpected response that came from the Queen herself! It read:

“When I received a letter from a different Simes this Christmas, I instructed my office to research your grandfather’s whereabouts. Therefore it is with much sadness, I have learned of his passing and extend my condolences to you and your family.”

Simes Facebook post, which has since gone viral, spoke of his feelings about what his grandfather had done.

“I couldn’t fight back the tears then, nor can I fight them back every time I remember this story of two people who left a lifelong impression on each other. And today, just as every year, I sent my Christmas cards… but top of the list was reserved for Her Majesty.”

It is not out of character for Queen Elizabeth II to surprise her subjects on occasion. As an example, a seven-year-old girl invited the Queen to her birthday party earlier this year, and received a letter from Buckingham palace thanking her for the invitation.

In addition, the Queen stopped by to congratulate a bride and groom in 2012 after they got married Manchester Town Hall. In the words of the groom, “It was just phenomenal.”

Via: Mashable

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