10 Adorable Cats That Are Guaranteed To Make You Forget Your Troubles

As we go through life, there are going to be times when things just get to us. We do our best to get by and we may be smiling on the outside but on the inside, we are a bundle of nerves. When you are having one of those days, you need to find an outlet for your frustrations and we have the perfect outlet for you.

There is a reason why people enjoy watching cat videos and looking at cat pictures. They make us smile and they put something into our heart that all of us need, a warm fuzzy feeling. In fact, studies have shown that looking at cats can be quite relaxing and can help to calm the mind and the nerves. In order to provide you with those feelings, we present the following 10 cats for your viewing enjoyment. You’re welcome.


1. Just look at that purrfect fact. He is just begging for a hug.


2. Looks like this kitty is ready to jump up in your arms for a snuggle.


3. How about a nice belly rub? You can almost hear him purring with delight


4. This little guy is surely going to grow up to be a heart breaker


5. If one cat can warm the heart then how about two cats sharing a smooch?


6. Sometimes we just need to close the shade and go back to bed.


7. This kitty is so cute you could just eat him up.


8. This cat in a hat is ready for a Sunday drive in the country


9. The sweetest face! I guess the best things in life truly are free


10. Picture perfect and ready to curl up on your lap for a snooze


Via: Funny or Die

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