31-Years-Old And Still Going – The World’s Oldest Cat Is Living Out Every Life He Has

Nutmeg is a rather incredible cat. He is a tabby, but it is not his looks that make him incredible, it is his age. In fact, he has celebrated his 31st birthday and is now a contender for the oldest cat in the world! When calculated out at human years, that is 141 years old.

Liz and Ian Finley are the owners of this loving cat and they got him back in 1990. He was a stray that had befriended their cat at the time, named Spice. They took the kitty to the local cats protection to treat an abscess on the neck and they were told that he was at least five years old at the time. This would make not make the oldest cat in the world but in order to qualify for the Guinness Book of World Records, he must have documents proving his age. It’s a tricky situation, but they are working on it.


Nutmeg suffered from a stroke last year but he is now stronger than ever, making those around him wonder exactly how many lives he has left. We hope it is all 9.

Nutmeg is unofficially the world’s oldest cat and he celebrated his 31st birthday.


“He rules the house and he’s absolutely gorgeous”


The Finleys found Nutmeg as a stray 1990.


They were told he was at least five years old at the time


In order to qualify for the Guinness world records, they need documents of his official birth.


Nutmeg is a senior cat but he is just a loving pet to the Finleys.


“He is spoilt rotten… He comes in every morning at five am and we get up and feed him”


Nutmeg suffered a stroke last year but he is up and going again.


How many lives does this cat have left?


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