9 Before And After Pictures That Show The True Power Of Adoption

Many of us recognize the need for more people to adopt animals, particularly those who are having difficulties. Cats certainly fall into that mix, and many are left on the street and may be sick, hungry and they certainly are in need of love and care.

Cat sanctuaries and shelters do step in to help many of these felines, and the work that they are doing is absolutely wonderful. If you ever have any doubts about the power of adopting a cat, these before-and-after pictures will help to change your perspective.


Scout was underfed and in need of a lot of TLC. After being taken in by a loving owner, he regained his health.


This kitten was found abandoned in a box after a Shanghai rainstorm. Now, he is a happy cat with a forever home.


This cat looks sad in his cage but now he has a gigantic pillow where he can relax comfortably.


This cat certainly had a lot of attitude, and for good reason. Now that he has a loving family, he rolls around on the floor and is loving life.


This little kitten was stuck in a tiny kennel without enough food or care. After being cared for, he tripled his size as he grew up to a healthy happy cat.


From zero to hero, this proud feline is a great example of what adoption can do.


This little kitten was found with an eye infection, which deprived him of his sight. If he would not have gotten the help he needed, he surely would not have survived. Now that six weeks have passed, his eyes are wide open and he is able to see again, thanks to loving human parents.


This is Mr. Biscuits. He was found inside of an old, abandoned car, burnt and covered in motor oil. After a quick wash and some TLC, he looks completely different.


A Taiwanese shelter found this cat in an old cardboard box. You can barely even tell he was a cat! He was shipped to the United States and given a home and now he is fluffy and happy.

Via: Shareably

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