If you were to ask anyone who ever had a kitten in their life, you would find out the they are undoubtedly the most adorable creatures ever created. In fact, many people wish that they could stay kittens for their entire life, even though they continue to love them just as much (or even more) when they get older.
There are a number of things that kittens do and it really causes us to bond with them. First of all, there is nothing quite like snuggling with a kitten, because it can make us feel happy on the inside. Kittens are also amazing when it comes to playing, and it doesn’t matter if it is a ball of yarn or anything else, it seems as if they can play with it for hours. During that play, a kitten is sure to pounce at least once, because it is something that is built into them.
The fact is, all cats love to pounce and it is something that is just built into them. From the time they are very young, they will show this type of behavior. It’s fortunate for us, because it just makes them all that much more adorable
Via: Today
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