Cat Loves Her Little Human Long Before He was Born

Panda is a 2 year old adopted cat who also has a desire to adopt and help others. This could be seen clearly when her human, Liel Ainmar Assayag became pregnant. Since that time, Panda has not left her side. Now that her son, Sean, is born, Panda continues to be by his side constantly and is fully devoted to him.

According to the mother, once she got pregnant, the cat started following her around the house, tucking her head onto her pregnant belly. Now that her son is born, she jumps up on the bed, smells him and sits next to him.

For those of us who have cats, there is no mistaking the love they show to us. This is just another example of how awesome cats can be.

This is Panda, a 2 year old adopted cat who is about to become the world’s best babysitter.


Since her human got pregnant, she hasn’t left her side.


“Once I got pregnant she started following me around the house, tucking her head on my belly, purring”


“Now…she jumps on the bed near him, smells him, sits next to him”


“You can clearly see she loves him from the beginning!”


She isn’t the only cat in the house who loves little Sean. This is one lucky kid


Via: Bored Panda

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