Rescuers Find Cat Alive Under The Rubble – 32 Days After The Earthquake

When a natural disaster strikes, it affects the people in the area on a very profound basis. For some, it is a matter of being inconvenienced or perhaps displaced temporarily. For others, it could be a permanent situation, perhaps even including loss of life and possessions.

When a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck central Italy, the world watched as the rescue efforts began. During those efforts, many people and animals were found, including this cat.

Meet Rocco, the miracle cat


Rocco was found under the rubble 32 days after the earthquake.


He is one of almost 200 animals that were rescued since the quake struck. Since it had been so long, nobody expected Rocco to be found alive.

Apparently, he had a strong will to live


Firefighters were cleaning up the area on Sunday when they found the gray and white long-haired cat. He was trapped within a collapsed house. The rescuers heard a faint meow coming from the rubble and they could hardly believe it.

Rocco is truly a miracle cat. Other than being dehydrated, he was fine. It’s amazing how he was about to survive without a source of food and water.


They found the cat’s owners. There were nearby overseeing the demolition of their home. They didn’t have any idea the cat was alive.

They were overwhelmed with joy when they saw him.


The cat was checked by a vet on the spot. He was tired but in good spirits.

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Everyone was doing their part for Rocco and he was doing much better after receiving care.


Via: Love Meow

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