She Is A Resident Of Hospice And All She Wants To Do Is Snuggle Kittens, So They Help Her Do It

There are many people who absolutely love cats and they recognise that cats have the ability to make them feel better. That was the case with this hospice resident, who had a single wish. She wanted to snuggle with kittens and it turns out this was going to be her day.

Her name is Carol, and she is a resident at the Groves Community Hospice. She certainly does have a lot of love for cats and kittens so when they asked her what she wanted to have, she simply said she wants kittens to snuggle.


The hospice staff was determined to make her wish a reality. They reached out to the local SPCA for help. The SPCA had the following to say:

“We all know that pets can sometimes be just what the doctor ordered. So when we heard from GC Hospice that they had a resident whose only wish was to snuggle some kittens, we couldn’t say no.”


“We brought not just one, but a whole basket of kittens to snuggle up to. Carol was thrilled to receive the basket of kittens!”


One of the kittens was held in Carol’s arms and another was crawling on her shoulder. She said how they were so precious and adorable.


The rescue said that they had worked with a few assisted-living facilities to adopt pets for the residents.


It was a litter of foster kittens that really made her day.

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Kittens help to make her wish come true. They are “angels with whiskers.”


Via: Love Meow

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