These Cats Don’t Fit, But They Find A Way. You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!

Cats always find a way to make themselves comfy, and their favorite nap spots are, it seems, boxes, all kinds of boxes, you name it. The interesting (and hilarious) part is when they outgrow their beloved nap spots. It appears cats are very stubborn and not willing to change or accept that they aren’t kittens anymore. Take these cute felines for example.

 1. “Not stuck…just…hangin’ out.”


2. “Now that I think about it, I may have put on a few since the last time I tried to sit in here…”

3. “Can you tuck my tail in, please?”

4. So close…

5. “Fire so warm. Box so cozy.”

6. “I, uh…my feet were cold.”

7. Good thing this is such a shallow box, otherwise I don’t know if he would’ve gotten this far.

8. So what if it’s a little worse for the wear…

9. “Mmmm, comfy.”

10. I have to hand it to this guy, he came prrrrettyyyy close.

11. “I just wanna be itty-bitty again!”

12. “What do you want…it’s the holiday season!”

13. Honestly, I’m not sure how this is physically possible.

14. “The idea of shapes is all relative, anyway. Who said a box had to be a rectangle?”

15. You could keep trying, but I can’t guarantee you’ll get far.

16. “I will fit, and I will sit…until the day. I. Die.”

17. Time to find a bigger box, buddy.

18. She’s got too much booty for this box.

19. We’ve got an overflow situation on aisle three…

20. “You think I’m going to prescribe to the societal confines of this box?!”

21. Like a kitty cupcake.

22. It has to be said: this is pretty darn cute.

23. The idea seems to be that if the nose fits…

24. The cat fits.

25. I was really hoping he’d make it work.


Via ViralNova