This Little Kitten Was Saved From A Construction Site And Now She Can’t Stop Saying Thank You

A construction site can be a very dangerous area, especially for a little kitten. When this man continued to hear a kitten for three days on a construction site, he was finally able to find her and he rescued her.

After rescuing this cat, who was named Annie, she couldn’t stop thinking him. From the moment that he pulled her to safety, she was head butts and snuggles.


She was first seen here


Annie wouldn’t stop meowing until he gave her plenty of water and head rubs.

The entire structure is made out of oak trees that were removed to make room for the main house. They were dried overtime into long, rectangular logs.


She fell asleep on his lap inside of the work truck. She slept for three hours as he was driving home.


He gave Annie some food and introduced her to other cats that he had adopted or rescued. The other cats loved her instantly.


“Almost two weeks, several baths, flea removal, and a trip to the vet later… She’s queen of the couch.”


Via: Love Meow

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