This Little Kitty Has A Big Problem With Her Front Legs, So She Stands Up – And It’s ADORABLE

Some animals who are born with a genetic deformity may have a difficult time surviving. In some cases, they are even abandoned by their owners because they don’t live up to the standards for their breed. However, with a lot of TLC and the big hearts of loving owners, disabled animals can live a full and happy life.

That is certainly the case with this little kitty, named Kanga Roo. She was born with a problem with her front legs, a genetic disorder known as radial agenesis. Due to the disorder, she has a difficulty putting any weight on her front legs so she learned to use her hind legs to walk similarly to humans.

The photos below show that Kanga is certainly an adorable little kitty. She is not bothered at all by her handicap but rather, she does what she has to do to live life to the full.


We can all learn a lesson from Kanga Roo. With a positive attitude, we can get beyond any problem that life may throw at us and take it on in style.

Via: Hype Dojo

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