21 Dogs Who Just Took Photobombing To The Next Level

At one time, it was necessary to carry a camera with us everywhere we went. We would take pictures but we could not look at them until after the film was developed. It seemed to be rather inconvenient, but it worked just fine for the many years that it was done that way.

Today, we are able to simply pull out our smartphones and take a picture anywhere we happen to be. This has led to some rather interesting situations, and a phenomenon that is known as photo bombing. Not only are people able to jump in on pictures and ruin them, it appears as if dogs are able to do it as well.


These 21 hilarious photos prove that fact.

1. Hello there

2. Don’t interrupt my singing

3. What are you doing?

4. A little privacy please


5. Let me see

6. Where are we going, mom?

7. Hey I’m right here

8. Everybody smile


9. Nobody move

10. I’m watching you

11. Oh boy, not again

12. Hey what’s going on over here?


13. Would you just kiss her already?

14. Nice selfie

15. I’m busy over here

16. What is THAT?


17. The haunting

18. Don’t forget about me

19. The view from the other side


20. ROAR!

21. Smile for the camera

Via: Inspire More

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