A Dog Was Rescued After Being Found Almost Completely Submerged In 8 Feet Of Floodwater

The area of Baton Rouge has seen historic and devastating floods. As the floodwaters rise, homes are destroyed, possessions are lost and people are put in harm’s way. Many people have to leave their homes and possessions behind, and unfortunately, dogs are often lost in the mix as well.

That is what happened when one man’s dog, Sadie, panicked and was lost in the rising water. It was at the same time that Josh Pettit was navigating the water, helping people in the neighborhood when they needed assistance. He has been documenting his progress.

He heard rustling in the bushes and he went to investigate. That is when he found Sadie, who was barely keeping her head above water. He and his friends rescued this dog and pulled her onto the boat. She was eventually returned to her owner, thanks to these heroes.


Josh Petit was checking of the damage in the Baton Rouge area when he saw something terrifying.


It was a dog who was barely keeping her head above water.


He wrote on Facebook: “Baton Rouge got flash floods this morning going from dry land to 8 feet of water in people’s houses within [two] hours! Extremely bad situation.

“Out the corner of my eyes, I [saw] a bush shaking! This is all I saw! Eyes and nose barely above water. She could barely tread water anymore. She was so worn out and had the saddest eyes I ever seen, so scared for her life!”


“We saved her and she came, laid her head on my lap, and cried and moaned like a big baby! She was thanking me. I thank God for letting me notice her. We then rescued a vet and his animals, and she went with them to dry land.”


He later gave an update on Sadie’s condition: “Got Sadie back to her owner. She freaked out and ran away when he was putting the male in the truck. He said she was happy as can be!!!”

Via: Little Things

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