They Built This Tiny Room Under The Stairs For The Chihuahua

It doesn’t matter who we are, we all have that one relative that just seems to march to the beat of their own drummer. In some families, this will be the relative that everyone avoids because they are so embarrassing. In other cases, they are the most popular person in the family and everyone loves hanging out with the because they are a lot of fun.

When this girl visited her Aunt’s house during the holiday season, she had no idea what she was going to find. As it turns out, the family dog, a Chihuahua, was resting comfortably in his bed. It wasn’t a bed you would expect, it was part of his room that was built under the stairs.

Not only does the chihuahua have a comfortable bed, he has his own dresser, a lamp, and even a picture hanging on the wall. She really went all out to make sure this dog was as comfortable as possible and it really shows.


The picture on the wall is dogs playing poker. How perfect is that?


The room is under the stairs


It’s small, but just right


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