This Adorable Dog Was Adopted From A Shelter And He Hasn’t Stopped Smiling Since Then

It is official: dogs are absolutely wonderful and they make a fantastic addition to our lives. When we rescue a dog and bring them into our home, we often couldn’t imagine living in any other way. They become more than just another member of the family, they become a part of us.

At times, we may absolutely love our dog so much that we just can’t stand ourselves. That is the case with the owners of this dog, who was saved from a shelter. Since that time, all he has known is love.


This pitbull mix goes by the name Meatball, although they call him Meaty as well. It was only two years ago, however, when he was facing an untimely end in a dog shelter.

They spotted a photo posted online of this amazing animal. He put them in mind of their own dog, Kitty, who had recently died.

When Lisa Reilly went to visit him at the shelter, she saw him stretched out, basking in the sun. Like some of the other shelter dogs, he was needy and she had what he needed.

“Fresno Bully Rescue did a great job nursing Meaty from the first time I saw him until I was able to bring him home.”

More than anything else, Meaty seems to have a blast in front of the camera. When they took a picture of him, his smile was totally huge.


After she got him home, he joined their other rescued pitbulls and their two dachshunds.


There seem to be a spot on the couch just waiting for him.


“Well, he looks like a bowling ball,” Reilly says. “It’s hard to really tell just how short he is in person, but he’s so low to the ground and wide like a Mack Truck. And he would just barrel into you like a bowling ball of dog fat when we first got him. Thus, he became known as ‘The Meatball,’ Meaty for short.”

At times, he goes along with the husband to his job at the police department. He then becomes a crime-fighting dog.


Meaty is much more than just a loving dog, he knows how to work the camera. He also knows what it takes to work his owner.

“One benefit to having a fat dog is that he’s extremely treat motivated,” Reilly explains. “He’s also extremely toy motivated and loves to play. So he’s willing to ‘work’ for any toy or treat, which makes taking pictures of him so easy.”

He also knows how much of a difference the right wardrobe makes.


Here he is in some formal wear


Santa is coming


Despite the fact that he has more than 30,000 people following him on Instagram, he hasn’t allowed it to go to his head. In fact, his owner says he has two speeds, completely comatose or absolutely crazy.


Despite the fact that he loves being photographed, he never forgets his roots or the family who took him in.


He’s truly a mama’s boy, though, and just wants to be next to me all the time,” Reilly says. “It’s great to have though, as you really can’t have a bad day when he’s around. I’d dare anyone not to smile being near him.”


Via: DoDo

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