This Mamma Dog Was Nearly Euthanized But She Was Rescued And Adopted 5 Pit Bull Pups

There are times when we hear about the plight of another individual and we realise it is up to us to step in and do something about it. That was the case with Dr. Deborah Wilson, who heard that a mama dog in a nearby shelter was in trouble and was about to be euthanized. She knew right away it was her job to go in and save that mother, along with her puppies who were just 6 days old.

The stats from animal shelters are alarming. “56 percent of dogs and 71 percent of cats that enter animal shelters are euthanized. More cats are euthanized than dogs because they are more likely to enter a shelter without any owner identification.” That is what makes rescues, like this one, so special.

After rescuing the dogs, she had an idea:


Dr. Deborah Wilson from Circle L. Ranch got news that a mother of two was going to be euthanized. She also had 2 puppies who were only 6 days old. She brought them all back to the ranch, where she got a phone call.


She heard of a man who was threatening to kill 9 pit bull puppies, so she saved them as well and brought 5 back to the ranch. The other 4 pups went to another organization.


“We introduced the runt to her, she sniffed him and licked him, we placed him down on her nipples and he started eating right away. She was OK with it and seemed pleased. So one by one we brought in the others, she excepted [sic] all of them,” Deborah wrote on Facebook.


“She is the best mum. Even though the new five are older, they are smaller than her two.” Just take one look at that: a new family started in the midst of what seemed like endless darkness!


They are thankful to the community for the help they gave.

“Thanks to the kindness of rescue folks and social media, these innocent puppies were not drowned. They will be fed, cared for, spayed and neutered and eventually adopted out at the ranch,” she said.

Via: Little Things

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