Rescue Dog Digs A Perfect Hole And Then Falls Asleep In It

When was the last time you had a good nap? Many of us feel that we don’t get enough sleep at night and a nap tends to be more of a luxury than a daily event. That isn’t the case for our furry friends, however, who tend to take a nap any time they are able. A classic example of this is Wilbur, who became part of a foster family when he was only nine months old.

The foster family knew that he felt the world was a scary place and they had the patience and love necessary to help him get beyond those feelings. “When we first got him, he was terrified and shut down and scared of everything,” Kirstin LaRoche, Wilbur’s mom, told The Dodo. “I had to carry him out of the shelter because he was so nervous. He has since blossomed into a happy, silly, clumsy, confident, playful dog. He is quite the character.”

Wilbur was worried about spending time outside when they first got him. The world is a very big place and it seemed as if everything frightened him. He now has a different feeling and sometimes, he enjoys being outdoors more than anything in the world.

Like many dogs, Wilbur has a habit of digging holes in the backyard. His mom wasn’t happy at first but then she realized why he was digging holes. It wasn’t just something that was random, they were being used for taking a peaceful nap.

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“I walked past our door and happened to see him sound asleep out of the corner of my eye,” LaRoche said.

Wilbur’s foster mom laughed a lot when she first saw him sleeping in a hole. She checked to make sure he was okay and the goofy dog was startled when she called him.

“I’m not sure how long he had been there for, but I tapped on the window to get his attention and he woke up immediately,” LaRoche said.

It seems as if Wilbur was also a little embarrassed that he was caught digging holes and falling asleep. He came running into the house right away, trying to apologize but it’s hard to stay mad at such an adorable face. They filled the hole in to keep the yard safe but they don’t think it will be long before another whole appears.

“Sadly for him we have since filled the hole back in but I wouldn’t be surprised if he digs himself another napping area soon,” LaRoche said.

Nobody knows what Wilbur went through before he entered the foster home. He is now loving life, digging holes and taking naps whenever he has the opportunity.

“I didn’t want to adopt another dog, especially a puppy, and especially because we already had three dogs,” LaRoche said. “But to have a dog that’s in your care go from shut down and terrified, to growing and blooming into an amazing, happy, confident dog, is unlike any feeling or experience in the world and we just knew we couldn’t let him go.”

Source: The DoDo