Rescued Gosling Has Great Adventures With His New Dad

There are many people who enjoy traveling and exploring the world around them. After all, when you hit the highway for parts unknown, you never know quite what you are going to see. Of course, there is nothing like going on a trip with a friend, and these two are quite an unlikely pair.

We’ve seen our fair share of people who travel with their dogs or cats, but for Erik Kipperud, those animals are a bit ordinary. You see, Erik is an outdoor enthusiast and he does his traveling with a goose.

The name of this adorable goose is Brian Gosling. Together, they have traveled across the country, exploring every inch of it along the way. As you will see in these pictures, there is nothing that can’t take on and it’s wonderful!


This is Brian Gosling. His father, Erik Kopperud rescued him and now he takes him everywhere he goes.


Brian loves to explore and he is quite curious, but he is never out of the sight of his new dad.


Brian gets to enjoy life on two planes. He gets to see the great outdoors and enjoys the companionship of a dear friend at the same time.


Brian seems to love the journey on water…


on the shore…


and even indoors. He even gets his own towel so he can sit at the bar.


Brian gets the chance to swim quite often in the most amazing places.


He also enjoys a good stretch. It helps to circulate the blood and dry the feathers. Well, at least his down, until he gets feathers.


Life is good


And Brian gets plenty of snuggles along the way


When he gets tired, he gets a pocket ride


Brian loves to dance too!


It’s the beginning of a wonderful journey and we are so happy we get to go along for the ride.

Via: Little Things

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